How do I download my tax information into TurboTax?
If you use Quicken, Turbo Tax, or H&R Block for your tax preparation, you can import your account information directly from NetXinvestor for both investment accounts and bank accounts.
1. Once logged in, you will be prompted to import 1099 information.
2. For your Pershing accounts, please select – BNY Mellon|Pershing
3. This will prompt you to enter your Investor portal User Name & Password.

I did a RMD rollback in 2020. How do I reflect this strategy on my taxes?
The rollback amount will not be reflected on the 1099R from Pershing. Clients will need to alert their tax preparer so they can have their taxes prepared correctly for 2020. The transactions are reflected on the December 2020 statement from Pershing.

How do I find the amount of municipal bond income that is excluded from state tax?
If you owned a municipal bond fund and are being asked for the amount in which your income dividend is also to be excluded from state tax, use these sites:
American Funds:

T. Rowe Price:

If you owned municipal bond funds from other companies, you can use Pershing’s helpful tool:

When will I receive my tax documents?
January 31: Form 1099 was sent for those clients who hold only stocks and bonds. Form 1099-R was sent for those clients with retirement account distributions (IRAs).

February 15: Form 1099 was sent for those clients who have mutual funds, REITs, etc. If a 1099 was not ready, a “Pending 1099” notice was sent to you.

February 28: Most of the remaining final 1099s should be sent at this point.

March 15: This final 1099 mailing would be for the fund companies that were very late in sending income reclassification data to Pershing, causing them to miss the February 28th deadline.

Where do I find my tax documents?
For accounts held at BNY Mellon/Pershing:
1. Sign on to NetX Investor Site:
2. Go to Communications on the left-hand side and choose All Documents
3. Click on Tax Documents for Income, Dividends, and Realized Gain/Loss information.

Be aware that in non-qualified accounts (Trusts, Joint, Individual, etc.), you could have a combination of covered and non-covered cost basis. You should report both the covered and the non-covered cost basis, not just the covered amount.