Parker G. Trasborg, CFP®
Parker G. Trasborg, CFP®Senior Vice President, Financial Adviser, Principal

With summer approaching it’s a great time to relax at the beach or by the pool with a good book. Each year, you can find various summer reading lists put out by different celebrities, companies and local libraries. As a new parent, I find that while I would love to read some of the books on the lists, I just don’t necessarily have the time. While I do have the time to listen to some of the books electronically, I primarily listen to podcasts due to their shorter format, which happens to fit in perfectly with the commute to/from the office and while out walking the family dog. Recently, I was quoted by Investment News in two articles discussing podcasts, a few favorites are below:

The Indicator from NPR – Daily 7 to 10 minute episodes featuring timely economic news and statistics.

Capital Ideas Investing Podcast from the Capital Group – Features analysts and fund managers from Capital Group (American Funds’s parent company) discussing economic trends.

99% Invisible from Roman Mars – A podcast discussing interesting historical stories and design in places that we don’t notice. Episode #130: ‘Holdout’ a story about an elderly woman that would not sell her home to a developer.

Serial from This American Life – This podcast originated in 2014 and is the one that got me and many others hooked on podcasts. Season One focuses on the murder of a high school student and the classmate that was convicted of killing her.

Planet Money from NPR – Fun stories about economic news. Episode #667: ‘Auditing ISIS’ is the episode that drew me in to listening to this twice weekly podcast.